Am I eligible for a Roth IRA contribution this year?

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Make sure to check if you are filing as a single individual, married (filing jointly), or married (filing separately). Then, see if your MAGI income is below, in between, or higher than the IRS income limit range.


How much can I contribute?

Adjusted Gross Income = AGI

If your filing status is...


And your modified AGI is...


And your modified AGI is...

Then you can contribute...
married filing jointly or qualifying widow(er)

 < $218,000

< $230,000

 up to the limit $7,000 ($8,000 if 50 or older) for 2024

> $218,000 but

< $228,000

> $230,000 but

< $240,000

 a reduced amount

 >  $228,000

> $240,000


married filing separately, and you lived with your spouse at any time during the year

 < $10,000

< $10,000

 a reduced amount

 > $10,000

> $10,000


singlehead of household, or married filing separately and you did not live with your spouse at any time during the year

 < $138,000

< $146,000

 up to the limit $7,000 ($8,000 if 50 or older) for 2024

 > $138,000 but

< $153,000

> $146,000 but

< $161,000

 a reduced amount

 > $153,000

> $161,000


See our IRA account


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