I'm having trouble uploading my driver's license...

  • Created

Make sure to use an image file, like a JPEG or PNG, and not a PDF file when uploading your driver's license to Rocket Dollar.


If your ID is expired, or you can't find where to upload your ID, read here.


Driver's License Upload

Please carefully take the photo with these guidelines:

  1. The photo must be taken straight on aka "top to bottom," no angled photo
  2. Shows as much of the ID as possible. Greater than 90%
  3. No glare, no shadows i.e. no bright flash spot and is taken in a well-lit room. Pick a contrasting background if needed.
  4. Every edge of ID is showing i.e. do not hold with finger showing in ID
  5. Applies to front and back

I'm having trouble uploading my driver's license picture...

Rocket Dollar supports these image files

  • JPG
  • PNG

We do NOT support PDF files. 

For Apple iPhones, you can...

  1. Take a picture.
  2. Click the share icon button.
Small Iphone Icon


  1. Email a copy to yourself.
  2. Download the file.
  3. Upload to the Rocket Dollar website.

For Androids, you can...

  1. Take a picture.
  2. Click the share icon button.
Android Share Image


  1. Email a copy to yourself, or share it on google drive if you are familiar.
  2. Download the file on your computer.
  3. Upload the file to the Rocket Dollar Website.

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