Please note that the investment process for the Direct Custody IRA is different than the Checkbook IRA. This article is only for clients who have a Direct Custody IRA, if you have additional questions regarding the differences between the two accounts, please reference our previous article here.
Submitting a Direction of Investment Form (DOI)
For every investment a DOI must be submitted. This is where you will let our team know the type of investment, the amount you're investing, where to direct the funds, and most importantly where you will upload investment documents. Failure to provide wiring instructions and the correct investment documents will delay your deal. Please contact your issuer to obtain the required information.
Step 1: From the Invest screen, select “Bring Your Own Deal"
Step 2: Select your Direct Custody account from the account selection dropdown.
Step 3: Read the Direction of Investment instructions carefully. You can optionally download applicable forms and email the instructions to any valid email address. When uploading subscription documents, please ensure that all documents are titled correctly. Titling should read "Digital Trust FBO: First & Last Name, Traditional or Roth IRA"
Step 4: Select to open the Direction of Investment form. This will lead you to a DocuSign where you must input your name and email address before continuing. Please be sure to use the email associated to your account.
Step 5: Agree to the Electronic Record and signature disclosures.
Step 6: After entering your information in Part 1, you are required to select the the type of investment and attach investment documents through the yellow paper clip button at the top of the document. Next to the investment type you will find all the required documents. Please reach out to your investment issuer to request all the required documents for your investment type.
Step 7: Complete and sign the form.
Step 8: Upon completion, the investment will be submitted for review. The Rocket Dollar and/or Digital Trust team will reach out if there are any issues. The investment will be displayed from the Rocket Dollar Dashboard once it has been approved and completed.
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